Protemil is a delicious ready-to-eat side dish in the form of analogue meat made from vegetable protein .
Analogue meat is a meat-textured food but is not made from meat / animal protein but is made from vegetable protein .
The manufacture is like processing meat. This vegetable protein is cooked with spices, then packaged , then sterilized. This sterilization process kills bacteria so that the product can last even if it doesn't plus preservatives. The production process is also kept clean.
The most practical way is to eat it as a snack or with warm rice / instant noodles / salad. but if you want it to be heated, you can soak the package in warm water for 30 seconds or you can enter it fill protemil into the microwave for 15-20 seconds.
Protemil is more practical, it can be eaten directly, while the meat must be processed before it can be eaten. Protemil can be enjoyed while traveling, traveling, hiking, and other activities. In addition, Protemil does not contain cholesterol, while meat generally contains cholesterol. Protemil storage can be at room temperature, but if the meat must be in the refrigerator.
Very safe, because protemil has been registered with BPOM and has a halal certificate.